Chemistry periodic table and game For PC | How To Use For Free – Windows 7/8/10 And Mac

The periodic table is one of the most important tools in chemistry. It is a chart that organizes all of the known chemical elements in order of their atomic number. This number is based on the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element. The table also tells you many important properties of each element. For example, the element helium is a gas at room temperature because it has a low atomic weight.

Quick Summery:

  • Chemistry periodic table and game are Total Install on Mobile 377+
  • Chemistry periodic table and game are Devolop By Ibrahim Mohammed Elbadawy
  • Install Chemistry periodic table and game Your PC Using Bluestacks Android Emulator
  • This Apps Last Update On Dec 2, 2019

Chemistry periodic table and game Andorid App Summary

Ibrahim Mohammed Elbadawy is the developer of this Chemistry periodic table and game application. It is listed under the Education category in the Play Store. There are currently more than 377+ users of this app. The Chemistry periodic table and game app rating is currently 3.0.0. It was last updated on Dec 2, 2019. Since the app cannot be used directly on PC, you must use any Android emulator such as BlueStacks Emulator, Memu Emulator, Nox Player Emulator, etc. We have discussed how to run this app on your PC, mac, or Windows with this emulator in this article.

Features of Chemistry periodic table and game for PC

1- periodic table elements names.
2- Elements symbols.
3- Elements classifications and category .
4- Elements overview.
5- Elements atomic number.
6- Elements atomic weight.
7- Elements boiling point temperature.
8- Elements melting point temperature.
9- Elements density.
10- Elements discovery year if available.
11- Alkaloid series.
12- Organics series.
13- Inorganics series.
14- Aromatics series.
15- Hetero series.
16- Sugar series.

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How To Install Chemistry periodic table and game For PC

Follow the simple instructions below to easily install and download Chemistry periodic table and game on your PC:

  • Download the Bluestacks Android emulator from the link above
  • Once the download is complete, run the .exe file to begin the installation
  • Bluestacks can be successfully installed by following the on-screen instructions
  • Launch Bluestacks once it has been installed
  • Bluestacks will ask you to sign in; you can use your Gmail ID to sign in
  • Now, look for the search bar and in the dialog box, type Chemistry periodic table and game and press Enter
  • Click on the most appropriate app from the search results to expand it
  • Start the installation process by clicking the Install button
  • Wait for the installation to complete
  • Now launch the Chemistry periodic table and game andorid App within the emulator and enjoy

System Requirements

App Name Chemistry periodic table and game
Developer Ibrahim Mohammed Elbadawy
Latest Version 3.0.0
android Version 4.4
Category Education
Package name com.edumission.alchemy_inapp
Download 377+
Rating 0.0
Updated on Dec 2, 2019
Get it On

Chemistry periodic table and game App Overview and Details

The periodic table is one of the most important tools in chemistry. It is a chart of the chemical elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number. The elements are divided into groups, and each group has similar chemical and physical properties. The table can help chemists predict the properties of new elements.

The periodic table can also be used as a game. One player selects an element from the table and the other players must try to guess the element’s name. The first player to guess the element’s name gets a point. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

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Whats New In this Chemistry periodic table and game?



The periodic table is an essential tool for chemists. It can be used to predict the chemical properties of elements, to find the formulas of compounds, and to understand the structure of molecules. The periodic table can also be used as a game board. Students can use it to practice identifying elements and predicting their properties. The periodic table is an important part of chemistry and it can be used to help students learn and practice the basics of the subject.

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