The Circle of Death drinking game is a popular choice for party goers looking to add some excitement to the evening. The game is simple enough – players take turns picking a card and performing the action indicated on the card. However, the game can quickly become dangerous (and hilarious) as players drink more and more. Some of the cards in the deck include drinking games like “I Never” and ” Truth or Dare”, as well as more risky challenges like “Chug!” or “Lick the Floor”. While the game is definitely not for the faint of heart, it can be a lot of fun for those looking for a wild night.
Quick Summery:
- Circle of Death Drinking Game are Total Install on Mobile 175130+
- Circle of Death Drinking Game are Devolop By Digits in Motion
- Install Circle of Death Drinking Game Your PC Using Bluestacks Android Emulator
- This Apps Last Update On Dec 21, 2020
Circle of Death Drinking Game Andorid App Summary
Digits in Motion is the developer of this Circle of Death Drinking Game application. It is listed under the Card category in the Play Store. There are currently more than 175130+ users of this app. The Circle of Death Drinking Game app rating is currently 5.4.12. It was last updated on Dec 21, 2020. Since the app cannot be used directly on PC, you must use any Android emulator such as BlueStacks Emulator, Memu Emulator, Nox Player Emulator, etc. We have discussed how to run this app on your PC, mac, or Windows with this emulator in this article.
Features of Circle of Death Drinking Game for PC
hesitate too long takes a drink.
1. The classic card-based drinking game Circle of Death goes by many names in dorm rooms, bars and house parties around the world: King’s Cup, Waterfall, Ring of Fire.
2. Gather some friends, fill up your cups and sit in a circle to play this lively and fun drinking game.
3. The game is comprised of 52 standard game cards with several bonus cards added such as bomb cards that dare the person who drew it to a ridiculous challenge for the rest of the game such as pin your elbows to your sides and drink like a t-rex for the rest of the game.
4. Circle of Death buddy cards link two players together for the rest of the game so that whenever one drinks, so does the other.
5. Circle of Death also includes star cards which rotate out every month with new and fun challenges for the whole group, such as Thumper, 2 Truths and a Lie and more.
6. The game comes with a standard set of rules based on the classic game, but you can easily edit them in the settings.
7. The standard Circle of Death rules are:
Ace – Waterfall
Everyone begins drinking. The person who drew this card is the first to stop drinking. All other players drink longer than the player to your right.
King – Make a Rule
You can either make a new rule or change an existing one. Your rule
How To Install Circle of Death Drinking Game For PC
Follow the simple instructions below to easily install and download Circle of Death Drinking Game on your PC:
- Download the Bluestacks Android emulator from the link above
- Once the download is complete, run the .exe file to begin the installation
- Bluestacks can be successfully installed by following the on-screen instructions
- Launch Bluestacks once it has been installed
- Bluestacks will ask you to sign in; you can use your Gmail ID to sign in
- Now, look for the search bar and in the dialog box, type Circle of Death Drinking Game and press Enter
- Click on the most appropriate app from the search results to expand it
- Start the installation process by clicking the Install button
- Wait for the installation to complete
- Now launch the Circle of Death Drinking Game andorid App within the emulator and enjoy
System Requirements
App Name | Circle of Death Drinking Game |
Developer | Digits in Motion |
Latest Version | 5.4.12 |
android Version | 5.1 |
Category | Card |
Package name | com.digimo.circleofdeath |
Download | 175130+ |
Rating | 4.8 |
Updated on | Dec 21, 2020 |
Get it On | |
Circle of Death Drinking Game App Overview and Details
Circle of Death is a drinking game that can be enjoyed by any number of players. The game is played by placing a deck of cards face down in the middle of the players. A player then draws a card and performs the action associated with that card. The game continues until a player draws the “circle of death” card and dies.
Ace of Spades: The player drinks and then draws another card.
2 of Spades: The player drinks and then gives a drink to another player.
3 of Spades: The player drinks and then takes a drink from everyone else.
4 of Spades: The player drinks and then chooses someone to drink with them.
5 of Spades: The player drinks and then drinks for the rest of the round.
6 of Spades: The player drinks and then chooses someone to drink with them for the rest of the round.
7 of Spades: The player drinks and then drinks for the rest of the round.
8 of Spades: The player drinks and then chooses someone to drink with them for the rest of the round.
9 of Spades: The player drinks and then drinks for the rest of the round.
10 of Spades: The player drinks and then chooses someone to drink with them for the rest of the round.
Jack of Spades: The player drinks and then drinks for the rest of the round.
Queen of Spades: The player drinks and then drinks for the rest of the round.
King of Spades: The player drinks and then drinks for the rest of the round.
Ace of Clubs: The
Whats New In this Circle of Death Drinking Game?
You can now play this great drinking game on multiple phones – whether you’re all in the same room or playing remotely.
Break out circle of death the next time you hang out with friends and get the party started with new bonus features including new drinking buddy cards, trivia cards and more. The latest version includes suggested categories and words for Rhymes, Categories, Never Have I Ever and more. Now includes English, Spanish, German and Portuguese translations.
The Circle of Death Drinking Game is a fun and exciting way to drink with friends. The game is easy to learn and can be customized to fit any drinking game preference. The game can be played with any number of players and can be enjoyed by all.