Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party is a simulation game that allows the player to create their own civilizations and watch them evolve. The game is set up like a party, with different rooms where the player can make different decisions that will affect their civilization. The game starts in the prehistoric era and moves through the different ages, ending in the future. As the player’s civilization evolves, they can unlock new rooms and make new decisions that will help them achieve victory.
Quick Summery:
- Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party are Total Install on Mobile 467343+
- Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party are Devolop By WAZZAPPS
- Install Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party Your PC Using Bluestacks Android Emulator
- This Apps Last Update On Aug 24, 2018
Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party Andorid App Summary
WAZZAPPS is the developer of this Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party application. It is listed under the Arcade category in the Play Store. There are currently more than 467343+ users of this app. The Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party app rating is currently 3. It was last updated on Aug 24, 2018. Since the app cannot be used directly on PC, you must use any Android emulator such as BlueStacks Emulator, Memu Emulator, Nox Player Emulator, etc. We have discussed how to run this app on your PC, mac, or Windows with this emulator in this article.
Features of Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party for PC
1. Merge different humans to create a variety of professions.
2. Evolve your civilization through different ages.
3. Manage your people and resources to achieve the best results.
4. Enjoy a fun and exciting evolution party.
5. Conquer the new world and raise up your nation.
6. Play through an epic world exploration game.
7. Develop your skills as a world tycoon and idle clicker game.
8. Have fun playing through different human evolution lines.
9. Explore the whole planet and raise up your civilization.
10. Conquer the new world for your new nation!
How To Install Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party For PC
Follow the simple instructions below to easily install and download Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party on your PC:
- Download the Bluestacks Android emulator from the link above
- Once the download is complete, run the .exe file to begin the installation
- Bluestacks can be successfully installed by following the on-screen instructions
- Launch Bluestacks once it has been installed
- Bluestacks will ask you to sign in; you can use your Gmail ID to sign in
- Now, look for the search bar and in the dialog box, type Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party and press Enter
- Click on the most appropriate app from the search results to expand it
- Start the installation process by clicking the Install button
- Wait for the installation to complete
- Now launch the Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party andorid App within the emulator and enjoy
System Requirements
App Name | Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party |
Developer | WAZZAPPS |
Latest Version | 3 |
android Version | 4.1 |
Category | Arcade |
Package name | com.banana4apps.civtycoon |
Download | 467343+ |
Rating | 4.1 |
Updated on | Aug 24, 2018 |
Get it On | |
Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party App Overview and Details
In Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party, you are the leader of a civilization in the midst of a technological revolution. Your goal is to guide your civilization to the next level by using your technological innovations to your advantage. To do this, you must compete with other civilizations to be the first to achieve certain milestones. The game is a mix of strategy and party games, and it is up to you to decide how to best use your technology to achieve victory. The game can be played by up to four players, and the winner is the first player to achieve five milestones. The game can be played in a variety of ways, so there is plenty of room for strategy. You can focus on economic development, military might, or technological innovation. You can also try to achieve all five milestones at once, or you can try to thwart your opponents at every turn. The choice is yours.
Whats New In this Civilization Tycoon – Evolution Party?
Build your glorious civilization!
In the end, the Evolution Party application was accepted by the Civilization Tycoon game developers. This was a momentous occasion for the game, as it allowed for players to have more control over the game’s evolution. The application was well-received by the community, and many players took advantage of the new features offered by the application.