Cookie Star For PC | How To Install – Free Download For Windows

There are many different types of cookies in the world, but the Cookie Star is the best. They are soft, chewy, and delicious. They are made with love and care, and the recipe is a family secret. The Cookie Star is a symbol of happiness and joy, and they are the perfect snack for any occasion.

Quick Summery:

  • Cookie Star are Total Install on Mobile 1562006+
  • Cookie Star are Devolop By ASQTeam
  • Install Cookie Star Your PC Using Bluestacks Android Emulator
  • This Apps Last Update On Sep 9, 2020

Cookie Star Andorid App Summary

ASQTeam is the developer of this Cookie Star application. It is listed under the Puzzle category in the Play Store. There are currently more than 1562006+ users of this app. The Cookie Star app rating is currently 2.1.1. It was last updated on Sep 9, 2020. Since the app cannot be used directly on PC, you must use any Android emulator such as BlueStacks Emulator, Memu Emulator, Nox Player Emulator, etc. We have discussed how to run this app on your PC, mac, or Windows with this emulator in this article.

Features of Cookie Star for PC

1. Enjoy a sweet match-3 mini game in a fun, cookies world.
2. Play as Alice and help her collect sugar cookies and defeat the Mouse Monster.
3. Over 1.5 million players enjoy this game with 600+ well-designed levels.
4. Easy to play but hard to master, can you get 3 stars on each level?
5. Play and compare your score with Facebook friends.
6. Use spectacular power-ups to help you in your quest.
7. Collect strawberry for buying power-ups in the sweet shop.
8. Rank with other gamers on the leaderboard.
9. Get special achievements for your gaming feats.
10. Enjoy colorful and delicious graphics with stunning effects and smooth animation.

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How To Install Cookie Star For PC

Follow the simple instructions below to easily install and download Cookie Star on your PC:

  • Download the Bluestacks Android emulator from the link above
  • Once the download is complete, run the .exe file to begin the installation
  • Bluestacks can be successfully installed by following the on-screen instructions
  • Launch Bluestacks once it has been installed
  • Bluestacks will ask you to sign in; you can use your Gmail ID to sign in
  • Now, look for the search bar and in the dialog box, type Cookie Star and press Enter
  • Click on the most appropriate app from the search results to expand it
  • Start the installation process by clicking the Install button
  • Wait for the installation to complete
  • Now launch the Cookie Star andorid App within the emulator and enjoy

System Requirements

App Name Cookie Star
Developer ASQTeam
Latest Version 2.1.1
android Version 4.1
Category Puzzle
Package name com.asqteam.cookiestar
Download 1562006+
Rating 4.5
Updated on Sep 9, 2020
Get it On

Cookie Star App Overview and Details

In Cookie Star, you play as a young girl who is trying to save her bakery from closure. Your cookies are the best in town, but you’re running out of ideas for new recipes. One day, you stumble upon a cookbook that contains a secret recipe for the most delicious cookies ever. To make this recipe, you’ll need to gather rare ingredients that are scattered all over the world. With the help of your trusty sidekick, a talking dog named Cookie, you set out on an adventure to find these ingredients. Along the way, you’ll meet colorful characters and discover new recipes that will help you save your bakery.

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Whats New In this Cookie Star?

* Update new SDKs and fix some bugs.


Overall, the Cookie Star application is a great way to keep track of your cookies and their baking times. It is easy to use and helps to ensure that your cookies come out perfectly every time. The only downside is that it is not currently available for Android devices, but the developers are working on a version that will be compatible soon.

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