Ebola Guidelines For PC | How To Use For Free – Windows 7/8/10 And Mac

Ebola Guidelines is a set of best practices for healthcare professionals who are responsible for the care of patients with Ebola. The guidelines were developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in collaboration with other experts.

Quick Summery:

  • Ebola Guidelines are Total Install on Mobile 1450+
  • Ebola Guidelines are Devolop By MEG Support Tools
  • Install Ebola Guidelines Your PC Using Bluestacks Android Emulator
  • This Apps Last Update On Oct 11, 2014

Ebola Guidelines Andorid App Summary

MEG Support Tools is the developer of this Ebola Guidelines application. It is listed under the Medical category in the Play Store. There are currently more than 1450+ users of this app. The Ebola Guidelines app rating is currently 1.0. It was last updated on Oct 11, 2014. Since the app cannot be used directly on PC, you must use any Android emulator such as BlueStacks Emulator, Memu Emulator, Nox Player Emulator, etc. We have discussed how to run this app on your PC, mac, or Windows with this emulator in this article.

Features of Ebola Guidelines for PC

-Ebola contact tracing program
-Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Care of Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Filovirus Haemorrhagic Fever in Health-Care Settings, with Focus on Ebola
-Ebola virus key facts
-Specimen Collection, Transport, Testing, and Submission for Patients with Suspected Infection with Ebola Virus Disease

How To Install Ebola Guidelines For PC

Follow the simple instructions below to easily install and download Ebola Guidelines on your PC:

  • Download the Bluestacks Android emulator from the link above
  • Once the download is complete, run the .exe file to begin the installation
  • Bluestacks can be successfully installed by following the on-screen instructions
  • Launch Bluestacks once it has been installed
  • Bluestacks will ask you to sign in; you can use your Gmail ID to sign in
  • Now, look for the search bar and in the dialog box, type Ebola Guidelines and press Enter
  • Click on the most appropriate app from the search results to expand it
  • Start the installation process by clicking the Install button
  • Wait for the installation to complete
  • Now launch the Ebola Guidelines andorid App within the emulator and enjoy
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System Requirements

App Name Ebola Guidelines
Developer MEG Support Tools
Latest Version 1.0
android Version 3.0
Category Medical
Package name com.maithu.ebola
Download 1450+
Rating 4.8
Updated on Oct 11, 2014
Get it On https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maithu.ebola

Ebola Guidelines App Overview and Details

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released interim guidelines for health care workers who may be exposed to Ebola. The guidelines are based on the experience of the Dallas health care worker who contracted Ebola after caring for an Ebola patient. The guidelines are as follows:

1) All health care workers should be aware of the signs and symptoms of Ebola.

2) All health care workers should practice safe procedures when caring for patients, including using gloves, face masks, and gowns.

3) If a health care worker has contact with blood or other body fluids from a patient with Ebola, the worker should immediately wash his or her hands with soap and water.

4) If a health care worker has contact with an object that has been contaminated with Ebola, the worker should immediately dispose of the object and clean his or her hands with soap and water.

5) If a health care worker has a fever, he or she should immediately seek medical attention.

6) Health care workers who are exposed to Ebola should be monitored for signs and symptoms of the disease.

Whats New In this Ebola Guidelines?



The Ebola Guidelines application is an essential tool for healthcare professionals who are treating patients with Ebola. The application provides up-to-date information on the latest treatment protocols for Ebola, including information on the use of personal protective equipment. The application also includes a section on how to safely dispose of medical waste.

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