Spotify is great for listening to your favorite music, but what if you want to share that music with your friends? Jukestar is the perfect solution! Jukestar is a social jukebox for Spotify that lets you share your music with your friends. Just connect your Spotify account, choose the songs you want to share, and Jukestar will take care of the rest. Your friends can then listen to your songs, vote for their favorites, and chat with each other right from within the app. Jukestar is the perfect way to share your music with your friends and have some fun too!
Quick Summery:
- Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify are Total Install on Mobile 28704+
- Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify are Devolop By Jukestar App
- Install Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify Your PC Using Bluestacks Android Emulator
- This Apps Last Update On Oct 26, 2018
Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify Andorid App Summary
Jukestar App is the developer of this Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify application. It is listed under the Music & Audio category in the Play Store. There are currently more than 28704+ users of this app. The Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify app rating is currently 4.0.0. It was last updated on Oct 26, 2018. Since the app cannot be used directly on PC, you must use any Android emulator such as BlueStacks Emulator, Memu Emulator, Nox Player Emulator, etc. We have discussed how to run this app on your PC, mac, or Windows with this emulator in this article.
Features of Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify for PC
1. Guests can request from the millions of tracks available on Spotify using their phone (without needing Spotify).
2. Guests can upvote or veto any of the songs in the playlist.
3. The upcoming queue is distributed and updated automatically.
4. Guest requests will be spread out in the queue so everyone’s music gets played.
5. The more guests upvote someone’s song, the sooner it will be played.
6. The more guests veto someone’s song, the further it will move down the queue.
7. When enough guests veto a song, it disappears from the queue.
8. As a host, you can overrule any song.
9. As a host, you can force any song to play next.
10. The host app requires a Spotify Premium account (a 30 day free trial is available from Spotify). Guests do not need a Spotify account.
How To Install Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify For PC
Follow the simple instructions below to easily install and download Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify on your PC:
- Download the Bluestacks Android emulator from the link above
- Once the download is complete, run the .exe file to begin the installation
- Bluestacks can be successfully installed by following the on-screen instructions
- Launch Bluestacks once it has been installed
- Bluestacks will ask you to sign in; you can use your Gmail ID to sign in
- Now, look for the search bar and in the dialog box, type Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify and press Enter
- Click on the most appropriate app from the search results to expand it
- Start the installation process by clicking the Install button
- Wait for the installation to complete
- Now launch the Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify andorid App within the emulator and enjoy
System Requirements
App Name | Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify |
Developer | Jukestar App |
Latest Version | 4.0.0 |
android Version | 4.0.3 |
Category | Music & Audio |
Package name | mobi.jukestar.jukestarhost |
Download | 28704+ |
Rating | 3.9 |
Updated on | Oct 26, 2018 |
Get it On | |
Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify App Overview and Details
Spotify is a music streaming service with over 60 million users. It allows users to create playlists, share music with friends, and discover new music. Jukestar is a social jukebox for Spotify that allows users to DJ parties and events with friends. Jukestar is the perfect party host for any occasion. With Jukestar, users can DJ parties and events with friends, share music with friends, and discover new music.
Whats New In this Jukestar – Party Host – Social Jukebox for Spotify?
???? INTRODUCING JUKESTAR RADIO ????: Interactive radio stations where everyone is in control of the music!
★ We’ve made parties awesome, now it’s time to bring the music democracy to radio stations!
★ Instead of a single DJ or a Top 40 list, why not let all the radio listeners be in charge of what gets played?
★ After updating to the latest versions of the Jukestar Host and Guest apps, use the Jukestar Guest app to find and join a radio station.
Since its debut in 2010, Jukestar has quickly become the leading social jukebox for Spotify. Whether you’re throwing a party or just want to share a song with friends, Jukestar is the perfect way to do it. With a library of millions of songs, Jukestar is the ultimate party host.